Chad DBR
Tues. - Deut. 24-26
Wed. - Deut. 27-29
Thurs. - Deut. 30-31
Fri. - DNR
Sat. - Deut. 32-36
Sun. - Josh. 1-4
Mon. - Josh 5-8
This blog is simply a forum for members to keep track of each other regarding our efforts to read the Bible everyday. We post our previous week's reading every Tuesday.
Tues. - Deut. 24-26
2/16 Exodus 25-27; Philippians 1; Psalm 90
Tuesday: Mark 9-12
Tues: Gen. 47:29-50:26
2/16 - Numbers 17 - 18
2/16 - DNR
Tues Feb 16: DNR
Tues, Feb 16- Proverbs 16-20
I didn't keep daily records. I read Joshua 1 through Judges 6 and had two DNRs. I'm doggin' it!
2/9 - Matt. 25:1-30, Lev. 6-7
Tues. - Mark 9-12
Exodus 1- 24
Tues - Num. 29-31
Feb 9th - Lev 24 - 27
Sorry, all of those readings were in Genesis. Screaming baby...can't concentrate too well.
Tues, Feb 9 - Psalms 147-150
2nd Lev 4 - 7
Tues - Num. 9-12
Tues. - Mark 1-4
2/2 - DNR
Penny's DBR log
Tues, 2/2 - Psalms 115-117
I read the following during the week of 1/26 - 2/1.
1/26 - Matt. 16-17, Ex. 14-15
Tue-Num 21
Tues. - Mark 11-14
Tues Genesis 39-40
I think I'm going crazy-I'm almost positive I posted this morning for this past week but I'm not seeing it. I'm not going to go back and retype it all but I had 2 DNR's-hopefully next week I'll do better AND I'll get it posted.
Tues - Lev. 16-18
Tues. 1/26 Ex. 9-11:10
Jan 26 - Ex 21-24