Rachel's DBR 11/20 - 11/26
11/20 Ps. 60-66
11/21 Ps. 67-69
11/22 Ps. 70-72
11/23 DNR
11/24 DNR
11/25 DNR
11/26 Ps. 73-77
This blog is simply a forum for members to keep track of each other regarding our efforts to read the Bible everyday. We post our previous week's reading every Tuesday.
11/20 Ps. 60-66
18th Eph 4-6
11/2o Num 11-15
Tues. DNR
I am determined to get back on track, and my first step is to begin recording again. This last week I concentrated on Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians. This next week I'll work on recording daily my readings - and no longer rely on my very poor memory. I appreciate all of you that have been such good examples to me! Rhonda
11th 1st Cor 15-16
11/13 Ps. 34-36
4th Romans 1-3
11/13 Lev 26-27
We did read the week before but forgot to post and forget which days we read and didn't read.