Meagan's DBR 12-19 through 12-25
12-19 Eccl 1-5
12-20 Eccl 6-10
12-21 Eccl 11-15
12-22 DNR
12-23 DNR
12-24 DNR
12-25 DNR
Rachel-I'm right there with you-NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!!
This blog is simply a forum for members to keep track of each other regarding our efforts to read the Bible everyday. We post our previous week's reading every Tuesday.
12-19 Eccl 1-5
Tuesday: Ps. 78-79
Tuesday: dnr
12-12 Prov 1-5
I will say it again. I am sorry for not posting. I have made some significant changes recently in an effort to get back to fundamentals. This is part of that.
Tuesday (12/5): 2 Samuel 1-2
Tuesday: Ps. 37-41
Isaiah 26-50. Finally, getting back to normal. Thanks guys for the encouragement!
As of last night, we have read to:
Tuesday (11/28) - DNR
Tuesday: Ps. 7-12
Yet another pitiful attempt, Isaiah 16-25.