Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ry & Christy's reading

I read 1 Peter 3 to 1 John 3.
Ryan read Gen. 9-14

We are ashamed...

We are looking for a new date for the pizza party since Jason's family will not be able to make it that night. Since Jason is the leader of encouraging this group we want him to be able to come.

Rachel's DBR 10/24 - 10/30

Tuesday: Ezra 7-8
Wednesday: Ezra 9-10
Thursday: Neh. 1-2
Friday: Neh. 3-4
Saturday: dnr
Sunday: dnr
Monday: Neh. 5-6

Corey's DBR: 10/24-10/30

Read: Job1-25
See details on my Biblog

Jason's DBR (10/24/06 - 10/30/2006)

Last week all of my reading was in prep for teaching (Deut 27-34) except for Tuesday where I had a DNR. However, I started back on my 180 schedule yesterday & read Joshua 1-6.

Also, everyone of you has been an encouragement lately to me personally as I try to renew my commitment to read more consistently. Thanks for that & keep it up. I need you guys!!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Meagan's DBR 10-24 through 10-30

10-24 Psalms 6-10
10-25 Psalms 11-15
10-26 Psalms 16-20
10-27 DNR
10-29 Psalms 21-25
10-30 Psalms 26-30

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sid's DBR

10/17 - Proverbs 16:1-22:16
10/18 - Proverbs 22:17-25:28
10/19 - Proverbs 26:1-31:31
10/20 - Ecclesiastes
10/21 - Song of Solomon
10/22 - DNR
10/23 - Isaiah 1:1-9:21

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ryan's reading


Christy's Reading

I read from Hebrews 8 to 1 Peter 2 but not sure what days. I'll keep better track next week.

Ryan and I are inviting all of the daily bible readers for a pizza party at our home on November 18th. Let us know if that works for you guys.

Jason's DBR (10/17/06 - 10/23/2006)

Tues. DNR
Wed, DNR
Thurs DNR
Friday Deut. 22-24
Sat. Deut 25-29
Sun Deu. 30-31
Mon. Deut 32-34

Rachel's DBR 10/17- 10/23

Tuesday: 2 Chron. 26-28
Wednesday: 2 Chron. 29-32
Thursday: 2 Chron. 33-36
Friday: Ezra 1-2
Saturday: Ezra 3-4
Sunday: DNR
Monday: Ezra 5-6

Corey's DBR: 10/17-10/23

Read: Ezra 6-Esther 10
See my Biblog for details

Monday, October 23, 2006

Meagan's DBR (10-17 through 10-23)

Ok-I made a mistake on last weeks post. Last week was such an off week with my surgery and everything. I finally know what day it is. But at least I'm posting-I do want a pizza party Christy and Ryan!!!

10-17 DNR
10-18 DNR
10-19 DNR
10-20 Job 36-40
10-21 Job 41-42
10-22 DNR
10-23 Psalm 1-5

Friday, October 20, 2006

Meagan's DBR (10/10-10/18)

10/10- Job 1-5
10/11-Job 5-10
10/12-Job 11-15
10/13 Job 16-20
10/14-Job 21-25
10/15-Job 26-30
10/16-Job 31-35
10/17 -Job 36-40

Yeah-I'm finally back (of course I did awesome last week but haven't read since Monday this week) I'm getting back on today. Thanks for all the encouragement Jason!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sid's DBR

I'm finally back. I tried to post last night but we were having trouble with our dial-up. Kudos to Rachel for holding down the fort.

10/10 - Psalm 105-117
10/11 - DNR
10/12 - DNR
10/13 - Psalm 118-134
10/14 - Psalm 135-150
10/15 - Proverbs 1:1-9:18
10/16 - Proverbs 10:1-15:33

Kim should be back next week.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Shaffer's DBR

Since Rachel blasted me this morning for not posting, I thought I'd give an update on Becky and I's DBRing.

This week we read everyday except Saturday I believe. We are currently reading from Deut 30, Ps. 88, Prov. 21, Matt. 27, and Rom. 9.

Since our schedules and internet access time has changed so much, we have failed to post, but our reading has not diminished.

One last note to Rachel, don't forget that Becky, or even your own husband hasn't posted either, so I believe now is a good time to be fair and blast them too!

Shaffer's DBR

Since Rachel blasted me this morning for not posting, I thought I'd give an update on Becky and I's DBRing.

This week we read everyday except Saturday I believe. We are currently reading from Deut 30, Ps. 88, Prov. 21, Matt. 27, and Rom. 9.

Since our schedules and internet access time has changed so much, we have failed to post, but our reading has not diminished.

One last note to Rachel, don't forget that Becky, or even your own husband hasn't posted either, so I believe now is a good time to be fair and blast them too!

Jason's DBR 10/10/2006 - 10/16/2006)

Tues- DNR
Wed - DNR
Thurs - DNR
Fri - Deut. 12
Sat. Deut. 13-16
Sun - DNR
Mon - Deut 17-21

Corey's DBR: 10/10-10/16

Read 2 Chronicles 16-Ezra 5
See my Biblog for details

Rachel's DBR 10/10 - 10/16

Tuesday: 2 Chron. 6-9
Wednesday: 2 Chron. 10-12
Thursday: 2 Chron. 13-16
Friday: 2 Chron. 17-20
Saturday: DNR
Sunday: DNR
Monday: 2 Chron. 21-25

Somebody, anybody, please post!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Rachel's DBR 10/2 - 10/9

Tuesday: 1 Chron. 14-16
Wednesday: 1 Chron. 17-21
Thursday: 1 Chron. 22-27
Friday: 1 Chron. 28-29
Sunday: DNR
Monday: 2 Chron. 1-5

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rachel's DBR 9/26 - 10/2

Tuesday: 2 Kings 22-25
Wednesday: 1 Chr. 1-4
Thursday: 1 Chr. 5-9
Friday: 1 Chr. 10-13
Saturday: DNR
Sunday: DNR
Monday: DNR